3 Ways to Easily Prepare Your Home for Spring's Arrival

I love living in an area with four seasons— it means a change in weather is always right around the corner. It isn't surprising that for many of us, the changes of the season coincide with changes in our home. From deep cleaning and decluttering to refreshing our décor, there is a lot to be done this time of the year.

Along with clearing out cobwebs and closet space, setting aside some time to prepare your home for spring will breathe new life into your home and will provide you with a fresh perspective on how your home functions and how it makes you feel.

Step #1: Declutter, Determine What You Love, Then Donate the Rest

If you've rolled up your sleeves and are ready to tackle deep cleaning your home, consider dedicating some of that time to removing items that no longer serve you. If you use the seasonal change to reorganize closets and swap winter wardrobe items for spring, take the opportunity to donate any clothing or shoes that you no longer want or possibly forgot even existed.

The same can be done with home décor! By going through the items in your home with intention, you can take the time to deeply consider if an item means something, has a purpose, and is worth keeping around for another year. By removing excess clutter, your home will feel calmer and more spacious, and your mind will be open to new design possibilities.

Step #2: List All Areas in Need of Attention, Then Clean Each Location

Aside from the increased daylight hours and warmer temps, one of the benefits of springtime in the northeast is finally being able to clean all of those areas that were ignored during the winter. It's time to open and deep clean those windows (how do they get so dirty?), shake out rugs, and power wash the exterior.

Take advantage of a warm day to bring heavy coats and comforters to the dry-cleaner. Once they are clean, store them in a place with minimal moisture and good air circulation.

Step #3: Store Last Season's Decor, Then Style with Spring Inspired Pieces

If you like to change up your home's décor seasonally, this step is for you! Swapping out any heavy or dark winter décor with items that are light and colorful will make your home instantly feel more in-season. If you haven’t already, be sure to discover your design style so you can select pieces that are in line with your overall theme.

Take advantage of the many varieties of freshly cut flowers that become available (and more affordable) and add freshness, color, and a lovely natural fragrance to your home. Try to stay away from décor that is “spring themed,” as this can make your home feel less polished.

Welcoming Spring into Daily Life

Spring is a time of rebirth that you can sense all around you.  It’s not only that the trees start blooming, but the leaves, flowers and birds seem to burst into life again after a long period of resting. In the same way, rebirth is also happening in our bodies. This is a time when your body is naturally increasing in energy. If you've been feeling lethargic these past few months, your time to shine has come.

Together we can take advantage of springtime to cleanse and refresh our homes and prepare for the season of travel, activities, get-togethers, and house projects.


If you would like some help breathing new life into your home this spring, please give us a call. We'd love to be of assistance!

Until next time,


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