5 Ways We Help You Strategically Use Statement Wallpaper in Your Home

This may be a controversial statement, but there is rarely a situation where wallpaper will not enhance a space. Whether used in small doses or on a larger scale, it will always add a layer of artistic flair and dimension to an interior space. 

Don't believe me? Keep reading to see just how much of an impact a wallcovering can make!

1. Decide to Play it Safe or Go Big and Bold

Adding wallpaper in a space does not automatically equal a bold, maximalist effect unless, of course, that’s what you're going for. A small-scale pattern or a solid paper with great texture can add dimension without stealing focus. If you love a bold design but think it will be too much for the walls, use it instead on the ceiling or the back of built-in shelves.

2. Pick a Single Pattern or Creatively Mix and Match

Consider combining two papers in the same space to get your room to the next level. Two wallpapers with complementary colors can work, especially if one paper is textural and the other is patterned. If you are new to wallpaper, I don't recommend trying this out quite yet. But if you live and breathe wallpaper, go for it!

3. Seek Out Complementary Furnishings

Adding wallpaper to a room will change how everything else looks in relation to it. A pair of neutral chairs would look flat against a white wall. Add a gorgeous paper, and suddenly, their neutrality stands out. The opposite can also be true. A bold fabric on a chair no longer looks so bold when you see it against an equally bold wallpaper. 

Tip: Keep the colors the same to prevent the patterns from overwhelming a space.

4. Extend Beyond the Room's Four Walls

Where you install the wallpaper will alter its impact in a space. Walls take up most of your visual field, while the ceiling is more often in your peripheral. A graphic wallpaper on the fifth wall will come across as much less busy and distracting than if placed on a single wall.

5. Pair the Paper with Curated Art or Let it Shine Alone

Don't assume that choosing to use wallpaper means you can't also display art! While some wallpaper shines as its own artistic masterpiece (such as a mural), layering art over wallpaper can also work just as beautifully. So long as there is intention in the pairing or a clear juxtaposition of the wallpaper to art, the impact will come across as curated, not a mish-mosh. Like example #2, this is another skill that improves with practice.

P.S. There really are no rules when it comes to wallpaper. The sky is the limit. Contact us, and let's dream up a statement-making home together.

Until next time,



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